It’s been almost a week now since we started the move from our beloved Ravine House over to our new home, Rosie by the River, and I feel like so much has happened in the last 7 days it’s hard to make sense of it all. I’ve probably been through every emotion possible as we’ve said goodbye, ranging from sheer excitement to nervous anxiety – which is most likely what every person feels when they tackle a big move.

The Ravine House was such a special place for us because we grew so much, both in number (hello Jack and Sylvie!) and within ourselves. This was our first major renovation that we lived in together, taking 4 1/2 years to transform her from top to bottom. That alone is such a huge journey! A lot of you were here from that first post until now, even! When I think back to Ryan and Kristina at the beginning of that project, sleeping in the living room with no kids lol, it’s crazy to see how far we’ve come. Our style has evolved, our abilities and knowledge have grown (though I still doubt my choices at times!!) and we are more confident in tackling a bigger project…yes, even with two kids in tow.

Some elements you will be seeing again in the new house, like our bedroom setup here. During COVID we updated all our bedding with Magic Linen and it was the perfect way to refresh the space. I love the natural colour – so soft and warm – paired with the beige waffle throw. Honestly it’s such a beautiful combo and great for the fall.

I will forever be grateful for this house and the memories we created there. Very bittersweet. If you want to see a little video compilation, I posted the Ravine house’s goodbye on IGTV. Pop over here to watch!

And now, we start a new chapter in Rosie by the River. We can’t wait to share more about this very unique house that we hope will become another special home for our family. Sharing all about the design plans for phase one next week, so check back soon!