Hosting any sort of party can be a lot of work. But, when it centres around lounging on a couch, in comfy pj’s watching an awards show, it is so worth the effort! This past Sunday, we enjoyed the fashion hits and misses, the small stumbles and funny one liners and, of course, the awards themselves. The party was such a success, I know there will be more in the future (and because it truly is easy…see this post). Here is a quick glimpse into our evening and a bit of inspiration for hosting an Oscar Party yourself.
Movie treats made to look fancy
Besides the normal treats, I had some healthy alternatives. Fresh fruit, cheese and Pancetta baguettes.
At the beginning of the night we filled out our Oscar Ballots and then played a little Red Carpet Bingo with gold stars. No one got a full card but we came close!
Bingo Card can be found here and Oscar Ballots were from here
Janna made a delicious Bellini with fresh fruit puree! I even busted out my vintage “Great Gatsby” inspired glasses that came from my dear Nana. They fit the movie theme perfectly!
And at the end of the night the ladies took home a little swag bag. Each one was filled with gold chocolate kisses, a nail polish in either black, gold or silver and some delicious lip balm. Big thanks to Nicole for helping with the photos!!
Until next year! xo