Having a baby shower is kind of a crazy experience. It’s this magical time to have all your closest friends and family together in one room, and you feel infinitely lucky that these fabulous ladies are spoiling your sweet babe. But, it also means that the pregnancy is nearing its end and this baby will be here before you know it. CRAZY! I really found it quite overwhelming, in a good way of course! I felt completely showered with love and really appreciated the generosity in the room. How special to be celebrating this sweet boy, who’s literally just baking away totally unaware of how lucky he is! lol
I have to say a special thank you to my mom and my sis-in-law Carley for preparing so much delicious food. My girl Diana came early to help with all the set up, my dear friend Janine supplied all the florals and greenery, and, of course, I couldn’t have done anything without Janna. Her and I spent a whole evening baking together, she picked up so many items including the most delicious cake and helped with every part of the decor. Oh, and she did my makeup!! The whole day wouldn’t have been possible without this little team and I am so so thankful!!
The day of proved to be pretty gloomy and rainy outside, so I struggled getting the brightest photos, but nonetheless, here is how this modern boho inspired baby shower came together:
We had so much delicious food, including this beautiful Early Grey cake from a local bakery called Wild Earth.
Janine supplied all the greenery from Fabloomosity and we spent the better part of the morning getting it to look beautiful on the wall and surrounding all the food.
We had a calendar set up so people could guess when they thought I might deliver and then left with little ‘pop’corn goody bags.
We added a little more greenery to the “presents” area. Diana whipped up these adorable hoops using some hot glue and wire. So easy to do and they look so pretty!
Janine also made me a beautiful floral crown to wear and this ‘bump’ wreath. The belly fit through perfectly!! How adorable!
Some Tips for Hosting a Modern Boho Baby Shower of Your Own:
- You don’t have to stick to a specific theme per say. Think of your preferred colour combo and go from there. I knew I wanted a lot of neutrals and then pops of green, which was perfect for me. I also wore a navy blue dress because I’m having a boy.
- Greenery goes a long way. If nothing else, focus on adding some florals and your decor will instantly feel more elaborate and chic.
- Think of the flow – have designated stations so people can easily grab food, drinks, put down presents, etc.
- Not everyone enjoys games so plan to have something to get people involved that doesn’t necessarily involve a lot of effort. We had a guess my date game with a calendar, advice cards to fill out and a spot to leave a funny message or two on diapers – those will be fun to see when I’m changing the baby in the middle of the night!!
Thank you again to everyone who came out to celebrate this babe!! It was the most perfect baby shower I could have dreamed of! XO
<3 <3 <3